Hair Transplants for Men

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The Problem

Up to 50% of men will have experienced some degree of hair loss by the time they reach 50. And for many, hair loss will occur far earlier whilst they are in their 20s, 30s or even late teens. The main cause for 95% men experiencing a thinning scalp is something called Androgenetic Alopecia – more commonly referred to as Male Pattern Baldness. The hereditary condition occurs when testosterone coverts into something called DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). Certain hair follicles are sensitive to the hormone which causes them to shrink, resulting in the abnormal production of hair and a shorter life for the follicles. 

In Male Pattern Baldness, the first area patients typically see hair loss in is the crown, followed by thinning around the hairline and temples, before the mid-anterior scalp is affected. However, patients all have different experiences of the condition and some may see varying patterns depending on their case.

Other causes of hair loss in men include stress, disease, and physical reactions to medication, though your case is individual to you. Hair loss is always about much more than a receding hair line. It can deeply affect an individual’s confidence and
self-esteem, and we believe that’s the most important thing to address.

While hair loss is in its early stages, medication can be an effective way to manage and prevent it occurring (read about our hair loss medication).

However, once thinning has occurred and the hair is permanently lost, transplantation is the only effective way to treat the area. 


The cost of hair transplantation will depend largely on the amount of hair to be transplanted, but it generally ranges from £3500-£5500.


If you are bothered by thinning hair or balding, hair transplantation can significantly improve your appearance and self-confidence.

However, it is important to understand that hair transplantation is just that — transplantation of hair you already have to a place where it is more visible. It does not create new hair.

To minimise the risks and improve the success of surgery, it is important to undergo hair transplantation only if you are healthy. You should always discuss the potential risks and benefits of any surgery with your doctor. 


Most procedures take between 4 and 8 hours depending on the number of grafts involved and the complexity of the treatment plan. One thing is for certain. We never rush your procedure, and we only have one patient at a time, so it will take as long as it takes to get the best outcome.

The procedure itself is painless. The surgeon will inject your scalp with local anaesthetic before we begin. We administer baby needles first of all to numb the area before the actual needles these days, so the main injections don’t really hurt much and hardly anybody starts crying. If you’ve ever had a tattoo, then this will be a walk in the park.

After hair transplant surgery, your scalp will feel a bit raw, especially in the donor area, but this usually subsides within a few days. You may need to take pain medications for several days. Your surgeon will have you wear a surgical dressing over the scalp for at least a day or two. Your surgeon may also prescribe an antibiotic and/or anti-inflammatory drug to be taken for several days following surgery. Most people are able to return to work a week or so after surgery.

Within two to three weeks after surgery, the transplanted hair will fall out, but you should start to notice new growth within a few months. Most people will have attained 60% of new hair growth after six to nine months.


Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE, involves removing healthy hair follicles directly from a donor area on the scalp (usually at the back of the head where the hair is plentiful) and grafting them onto the bald or thinning areas.

The treatment is carried out under local anesthetic, eliminating risks and downtime associated with other hair transplant procedures. And, because the treatment is minimally invasive, there is no detectable scarring and, in most cases, patients are able to return to work the next day with permanent results.

The method uses a specialized punch device, ranging in diameter from 0.6mm – 0.9mm, to extract individual follicular units complete with necessary glands.


Used in the U.K since the 1960s, hair transplantation is surgery that involves removing a narrow strip of hair-bearing scalp from the back of the head and using it to fill an area with thin or no hair. Hair transplants are performed in the clinic under local anesthetic.

To transplant hair, the surgeon first cleans the scalp, then injects an anesthetic to numb the area where a 3- to 4-inch strip of the scalp will be removed. After removing the strip of the scalp with a scalpel, the surgeon sets it aside and sews the scalp closed. This area is immediately hidden by the hair around it.

Next, the surgeon divides the strip of removed scalp into approximately 500 to 2,000 tiny grafts containing an individual hair or just a few hairs each. The number and type of graft used depends on the hair type, quality, and color as well as the size of the area where it will be transplanted.

After the grafts are prepared, the surgeon cleans and numbs the area where the hair will be placed, creates holes or slits with a scalpel or needle, and delicately places each graft in one of the holes.

Depending on the extent of the procedure, the transplant will take approximately four to eight hours.
Additional sessions may be needed if you continue to lose hair or decide you want thicker hair.